Our SHARK website isn’t quite done yet but we’re open during construction!
We hope you will visit again and frequently to see any new items published.
Sitka Ham Amateur Radio Klub “SHARK” is a new group of ham radio enthusiasts that was officially formed in March 2017. We're an active group of hams in South East Alaska that enjoy exploring all aspects of the hobby.
Our membership consists of ten Officers, two Honorary Lifetime Members and a growing number of individuals interested in amateur radio.
You can test out your radio voice at our guest station. Talk to one of our SHARK members over ham radio.
It's a 24 hour contesting camp out from 10AM on Saturday the 28th until 10AM on Sunday.
"Two nurses from the Salish Aire boarded the Study Beauty and provided medical assistance by giving them oxygen." These are none other then our seafaring winter guests Norman Gregory KI7CKD and Clarice Gregory KI7RLD, whom spent the winter with us here is Sitka, and became members of the SHARK Sitka Ham Amateur Radio Klub. I can not imagine a better couple of people, even having oxygen on board, to be there for them. (AL5X-David Lowrance)
Saturday June 9, 2018 SHARK
raised an antenna and installed an
“emergency access radio”
at the Sitka Sportsman’s Association.
The first of 4 potential remote sights in Sitka that SHARK has identified as areas in need of ham radio access in the event of an emergency and/or disaster.
Since then we put up another one at Silver Bay Seafood Processing Plant.